Artificial intelligence on samatha and vipassana meditation

In the next installment of the AI interview series, I asked about the difference between samatha and vipassana meditation. This is a topic that has been addressed in Theravada Buddhism for at least the last 100 years, since the well-known teacher Mahasi Sayadaw came up with the concept of so-called dry insight, i.e. the possibility of realizing insight without the need to achieve deeper states of calm (jhan). Read the answers to the questions we asked artificial intelligence about this issue.

Artificial intelligence on Buddhism

We presented the increasingly emerging artificial intelligence to solve the fundamental Buddhist question as well as the problems that are currently being solved. Surprisingly, the answers are not only entertaining, but also instructive in many ways. Sometimes to such an extent that one wonders whether in the future artificial intelligence could participate in the teaching of Buddhism.

Meditation retreat with Michael Luetchford

We would like to invite you to a meditation retreat (sesshin), which will be held on November 25-27. 2022 in the Buddhist center on Mala Skála. The weekend retreat (retreat, sesshin) is focused on the intensive practice of Zen meditation in sitting (zazen), walking (kinhin) and simple daily activities in the traditional Japanese Zen school of Soto master Dogen.

New Year’s course 1/27/2022 – 1/1/2023

We cordially invite you to the New Year’s meditation course, led by the Lithuanian nun Ayya Piyadassī in Tuněchodský Mlýn. Ayya ​​​​Piyadassī is a Lithuanian nun practicing Dhamma since 2007. After attending a center with the teachings of the Buddha through vipassana retreats in the Goen tradition, she fully immersed herself in the practice of Dhamma in Burma, where she was ordained as a nun in 2013.
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