Artificial intelligence on samatha and vipassana meditation

In the next installment of the AI interview series, I asked about the difference between samatha and vipassana meditation. This is a topic that has been addressed in Theravada Buddhism for at least the last 100 years, since the well-known teacher Mahasi Sayadaw came up with the concept of so-called dry insight, i.e. the possibility of realizing insight without the need to achieve deeper states of calm (jhan). Read the answers to the questions we asked artificial intelligence about this issue.

Belligerent ruler

Venerable Ratthapála was one of the important disciples of the Buddha, who is, among other things, the main actor of the Ratthapála-sutta, the canonical text of Theravada Buddhism. The text (sutta) describes in particular Ratthapála’s visit to his parents in his hometown and ends with a conversation between the venerable Ratthapála and King Kóravya, part of which is unfortunately still relevant…

A talk for Dhamma-friends in the Czech Republic by Ashin Ottama (comments on the current situation)

Míša Laušmanová from Buddha Mangala asked the venerable Ashin Ottama for a few words about the current “coronavirus” crisis. Below you will find his talk about veils, insight and the necessary bit of mud for lotuses, and finally about eventual liberation from the fear (not only) of death.
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