
Sajadó U Tejaniya underwent colon surgery at a specialized clinic in Singapore on 01/08/2018, during which they removed a malignant tumor. Subsequent examination of the lymphatic system and liver did not show spread to these sites. Therefore, the situation is developing well, but the sajadó still has to undergo many examinations and probably further treatment. More information about his health can be found at this website.
Like many direct disciples and other supporters of the venerable U Tejani, Theravada Buddhism also decided to contribute financially to his treatment. If you would also like to join, you can send financial donations to the collection accounts of Theravada Buddhism held at the CREDITAS bank (trade name of the bank BÚ CREDITAS ORG), namely accountin Czech crowns No. 100865722/2250, IBAN CZ20 2250 0000 0001 0086 5722 and account in euros No. 100865802/2250, IBAN CZ91 2250 0000 0001 0086 5802. Please includeDAR – SAJADOorDANA – SAYADO in the message to the recipient.If your donations to the above accounts exceed CZK 1,000, you can deduct the donation from your income tax base. In such a case, for the purpose of unambiguous identification of the payment for the purpose of issuing a confirmation, please enter your date of birth without dots in the variable symbol (e.g. 11121984). You can request the issuance of a confirmation by e-mail info@theravadovy-buddhismus.cz, please state your name, surname, date of birth and permanent residence in the request. We will send the confirmation in digital form (electronically signed) at the end of the year.
As no further contributions have been sent to the fundraiser in the last 14 days, the entire proceeds of the fundraiser, after deducting the necessary bank charges, will be sent to the Singapore account of kappiji (helper) sajadó U Tejaniyi by 31/10/2018 at the latest, who will ensure reimbursement of the relevant medical bills. THANK YOU TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS.