
We would like to invite you to a meditation retreat (sesshin), which will be held on November 25-27. 2022 in the Buddhist center on Mala Skála.
The weekend retreat (retreat, sesshin) is focused on the intensive practice of Zen meditation in sitting (zazen), walking (kinhin) and simple daily activities in the traditional Japanese Zen school of Soto master Dogen. As part of the retreat, there will be a study of Buddhist philosophy and a discussion of the Dharma. Mutual, open discussion leads to the opportunity to express everyone’s experience and perspective on Buddhist practice. We are an open group, the meditation retreat is open to all who have a sincere interest in studying the Dharma and a willingness to submit to the retreat program.
Accommodation is in non-separated rooms.
Part of the stay for the participants is also a common final cleaning of all living spaces.
Bring with you:
- zafu and zabuton (seat cushion and mat or blanket)
- loose dark clothing (e.g. sweatpants, T-shirt)
- shoes to change into
- work clothes appropriate for the weather (see bod samu program)
- personal belongings for 3 days
- sleeping bag (mattresses will be available)
summary of information:
- date: 25-27 November 2022
- place: Malá Skála (https://en.shantavana.cz/travel-description/)
- price: 2100,-
- application deadline: 22.11.2022
- deposit: no need to send
- send applications to email: pavelfencl@gmail.com
- it will end on Sunday at approximately 3:00 p.m
In case of questions or misunderstandings, please contact the organizer. We look forward to meeting you!