
Bhante Ottama, senior Theravada Buddhist monk (bhikkhu) and member of the council of elders of the religious society Theravada Buddhism, from June to August he will be staying in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In the years 1996 – 2007, Ashin Ottama participated very heavily in shaping the Czech Buddhist community. In the Czech Republic at that time, he led many meditation courses, from weekends to long-term meditation retreats of several months. He now lives in Muttodaya Monastery in Germany.

Ashin Ottama at the Lotus Buddhist Center, May 2019 (photo by Dingir Magazine)
Meditation retreat
Weekend of intensive meditation “Buddha’s smile” from Friday, June 19, 7:30 p.m. to Sunday, June 21, 2020 in Hořovická cháta Cholín (between Dobříší and Sedlčany). Suitable for everyone who wants to bring more Light into their own existence. Voluntary contribution. Applications to bodhipala@volny.cz.
A weekly intensive meditation course led by Ashin Ottama “Journey to your own center” from July 4 to 11, 2020 in Josefov Dol in the north of Bohemia. Ashin Ottama’s classes are held in ‘noble silence’. Course fee: voluntary contribution. Course applications.buddha.mangala@gmail.com.
The intensive course of meditation Mettā-Samatha-Vipassanā is led by Ashin Ottama in Slovakia from July 13-31 at the Javorie meditation center, applications and more information on the website www.javorie.com.
Evenings in Prague’s Lotus Center (always from 7:30 p.m.)
Monday June 15:
“Buddha-Dhamma and secular mindfulness” – a discussion evening by Ashin Ottama with mindfulness teacher Jan Burian – a modern and original conception of the Buddha’s teachings.
Tuesday June 16:
“Caress yourself, caress the world and move on” – a general clarification of what it is actually about.
Tuesday, June 23:
“Let things be as they are” – the area where the secular concept of the Buddha’s teaching begins to diverge from the original Dhamma.
Tuesday, June 30:

“A planet where everything is edible” – this is how Daniela once described advanced Dhamma practice
In times of corona, mass gatherings must be regulated, you must definitely wear a mask when you come to Lotus and keep your distance as much as possible. Technology for streaming the evenings to the Internet is also provided, so it will be possible to “be there” even from home. The recording (=”transmission”) will always have the name “vecerottama” and the date: 15, 16, 23, 30. So if you enter this word in the search on YouTube or even in Google at 7:30 p.m., the search engine will only offer our video stream. Another way to be sure is to enter the name of the channel “bodhi pala” – (it’s two words with a space between them) in the YouTube search. There, you need to double-click on the “Recorded videos” tab. A pull-down menu will open, go to “live streams” and all of them are listed there, including the past ones.